County Assessor Information
You can access your parcel and tax information to ensure your information is up to date, along finding forms and information on homestead exemption.
Homestead Exemption is an exemption of $1,000 off the assessed valuation. This can be a savings of $105 to $136 depending on which area of the county you are located.
You must be the homeowner who resides in the property on January 1. The deed must be executed on or before January 1 and filed with the County Clerks Office on or before February 1. You must be a resident of Oklahoma.
You can apply for Homestead Exemption at your local county assessors office and most have the forms available for downloading.
If you have been granted a homestead exemption and continue to occupy the homestead property you shall not be required to re-apply for homestead exemption. However, if you change your deed or move you will need to re-file.